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Dario Argento's Trauma   [ANH-Anchor Bay]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 29.90

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Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 1527621
Movie: 90116241

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
Benötigt Codefree-Player zum Abspielen!
Originaltitel Trauma
Dario Argento's Trauma
Genre Horror / Mistery / Thriller / Independent
Produktionsland Italien
Herstellungsjahr 1993

Schauspieler Brad Dourif, James Russo, Frederic Forrest, Asia Argento, Piper Laurie, Christopher Rydell, Laura Johnson, Hope Alexander-Willis, Sharon Barr, Dominique Serrand, Ira Belgrade
Regie Dario Argento
Autor(en) Dario Argento, Franco Ferrini, T.E.D. Klein, Giovanni Romoli, Ruth Jessup
Produzent(en) Dario Argento, T. David Pash, Andrea Tinnirello
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital - 2.0 Surround)
Englisch   (Dolby Digital - 5.1 Surround)
Untertitel Englisch für Hörgeschädigte
Covertext An anorexic young woman escapes from a psychiatric clinic and meets a young man who wants to help. She is caught and returned to her parents, who are soon beheaded by a garrotting stranger making the rounds about town, apparently striking only when it rains. The orphaned young woman and her new lover launch their own investigation and are endangered when a link is discovered with the victims and a particular operation performed years before.

Bildformat 1.85:1 Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Laufzeit 106 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 19.08.2005

Special Features
  • Featurette: LOVE, DEATH & TRAUMA
  • Audio Commentary with Author Alan Jones
  • On Set with Tom Savini
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Poster & Still Gallery
  • Theatrical Trailer
  • Dario Argento Bio

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