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Artikel: 1823821
Movie: 11448087

Regionencode [?] 0 - Codefree (NTSC) (Film in s/w)
Originaltitel Lorna
Genre Drama / Erotik / Exploitation / Independent
Produktionsland USA
Herstellungsjahr 1964

Schauspieler Frank Bolger, James Griffith, F. Rufus Owens, Ken Parker, Lorna Maitland, Hal Hopper, Althea Currier, Doc Scortt, James Rucker, Mark Bradley
Regie Russ Meyer
Autor(en) Russ Meyer, James Griffith
Produzent(en) Russ Meyer
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital)
Untertitel -
Covertext Without artistic surrender, without compromise, without question or apology, an incredibly sensual motion picture was made. LORNA. The story of a woman.
LORNA graphically portrays the emotions of a voluptuous young wanton. Lorna, married for one year...yet never fully gratified by her husband...is left alone...too long...too often. But Lorna is a woman too much for one man, although loved by her husband, desired by another, she finds fulfillment in the arms of a brutal stud. Starring the outrageously abundant, cantilevered Lorna Maitland - the new standard of beauty by which all women shall be judged.

Bildformat Widescreen Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Altersfreigabe ab 18 Jahren
Laufzeit 79 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 07.02.2003

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