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This Ugly Yet Beautiful World - Vol. 1 - Box   

Laserzone Preis
CHF 49.90

Artikel in eKorb
Versand normalerweise
innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 1422362

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
Benötigt Codefree-Player zum Abspielen!
Genre Anime-Manga / Animation / Eastern-Asia

Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital - 2.0 Stereo)
Japanisch   (Dolby Digital - 2.0 Stereo)
Untertitel Englisch
Covertext "There's nothing I can do to make a difference. Wars will be fought. People will die," Takeru said. "I'll never matter."
He didn't know how wrong he was. Takeru has a very special place in this universe. And he doesn't know how special until he meets a beautiful girl who falls from the stars.
Hikari seems to have no memory of who she is (or, for that matter, where her clothes are). So Takeru takes her into his care. And that's when things get nasty.
Hikari is not like other girls. Her name may mean "light," but she has a dark history - and an even darker future. One that will change Takeru and his friends forever, and show them all just how beautiful yet cruel this universe can be!

Bildformat Widescreen Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Laufzeit 100 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 04.07.2006

Special Features
  • This edition comes with a Custom Series Artbox sized to hold the entire three-volume series.
  • 4 complete episodes
  • Interviews with the Seiyuu and staff
  • Translator notes
  • Japanese TV spots
  • Clean open/close

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