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American Ninja 2 - American Ninja 3: Confrontation   [MGM-MGM/UA Home Entertainment]

Laserzone Preis
CHF 24.90

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innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 1203402
Movie: 15572466

Regionencode [?] 1 - USA (NTSC)
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Originaltitel American Ninja 2 - The Confrontation
Diese DVD enthält
folgende Filme
  • American Ninja 2 - The Confrontation
  • American Ninja 3 - Blood Hunt
Genre Action / Martial Arts
Produktionsland USA
Herstellungsjahr 1987

Schauspieler Steve James, Michael Dudikoff, Larry Poindexter, Gary Conway, Jamie Bartlett, Michael Stone, Dennis Folbigge, Jeff Weston, Melvin Jones, Gary Ford, Ralph Draper, Adrian Waldron, Len Sparrowhawk, Bill Curry, Michelle Botes, Elmo Fillis, John Pasternack, Jonathan Pienaar
Regie Sam Firstenberg
Autor(en) James Booth, Gary Conway
Produzent(en) Menahem Golan, Yoram Globus
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital - Surround)
Untertitel Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Covertext "American Ninja 2: The Confrontation" (1987, 90min.) - On a remote Caribbean island, Army Ranger Joe Armstrong saves an old friend from the clutches of "The Lion", an evil super-criminal who has kidnapped a local scientist and mass-produced an army of mutant Ninja warriors. "American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt" (1989, 86min.) - The enormously popular American Ninja series continues with this latest installment of non-stop martial arts wizardry, international intrigue and blazing Ninja action.

Bildformat Fullscreen 1.33:1
Altersempfehlung LZ ab 16 Jahren
Laufzeit 176 Minuten
Veröffentlichung 01.10.2002

Special Features
  • Trailers
  • American Ninja 3: Blood Hunt includes a French Dubbed track in Mono

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