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The Avengers - The Complete 50th Anniversary Edition   

Laserzone Preis
CHF 189.90

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innert 7-20 Tagen

Artikel: 1155826
Movie: 90168631

Regionencode [?] 2 - EUROPA / JAPAN (PAL) (Film in s/w)
Originaltitel The Avengers - TV-Series - (1961-1969)
Mit Schirm, Charme Und Melone
Genre Action / Comedy / Mistery / Thriller / TV-Serie
Produktionsland England (UK)
Herstellungsjahr 1961

Schauspieler Patrick Macnee, Honor Blackman, Diana Rigg, Ian Hendry, George Murcell, Linda Thorson, Arthur Hewlett, Patrick Newell, Ingrid Hafner, Douglas Muir, Julie Stevens, Rhonda Parker, Jon Rollason
Produzent(en) Julian Wintle
Sprache (Tonformat) Englisch   (Dolby Digital)
Untertitel -
Covertext The Avengers remains an era defining TV series and retains an edge over many other small screen offerings as it celebrates its 50th Anniversary.

With its imaginative stories of secret agents in 1960s swinging Britain, The Avengers combines science fiction with fantasy, fashion and a unique sense of style, and can rightly claim its place as a prime example of the spy-fi genre. We may be in the 21st century, but The Avengers retains a fascination that is as fresh today as it was when it first took off on the small screen.

Exciting, quirky, bizarre and quintessentially British, The Avengers pioneered many themes of modern television whilst introducing three of its best ever characters Steed (Patrick Macnee) Cathy Gale (Honor Blackman) and Emma Peel (Diana Rigg).

With a unique take on Britishness, the series pioneered the use of all manner of tricks and gadgets and created Steed, the archetypal English gentleman in Savile Row suit, bowler hat and umbrella –alongside sexy, powerful women in high-heeled “kinky boots”, influencing film and TV including James Bond and Dr Who.

The longest running espionage series produced for English-language television, The Avengers eventually reached audiences in 120 countries, a record that still stands to this day. Now, with the release of The Avengers: The Complete 50th Anniversary Collection you can enjoy every single episode of this timeless classic time and time again.

Bildformat Fullscreen 1.33:1 Aufbereitet für 16:9 Bildschirme
Altersempfehlung LZ ab 12 Jahren
Laufzeit 5995 Minuten
Anzahl Discs 39
Veröffentlichung 09.05.2011

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